About bamboocarbonremoval.eu

Dr. Hans Friederich
environmental | public relations | shareholder
Hans is an internationally-respected Ambassador of the World Bamboo Organisation, change-maker, and sustainability specialist. From 2014 to 2019 Hans was director of the Bamboo and Rattan Organisation (INBAR) and Observer to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).
Hans was active for the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) for 24 years, of which a good three years as European Director.
His extensive network in the bamboo sector, governments, and international organisations, and his experience with nature conservation issues are an important added value to Bamboologic.

Kjell Tahon
operational management | marcom | shareholder
Kjell has a Master’s degree in communication science, and has broad international marketing, sales, and communication experience in several sectors, such as financial, private equity and socio-economic agricultural projects in Africa.
In addition to his extensive experience in greenfield management, marketing & communication he has a broad network of individual and institutional (impact) investors.

Joost Borneman
sales development | investor relations | shareholder
Joost is specialised in bamboo applications, circular economy, and the biobased industry. He conducts scientific research into bamboo and links Bamboologic to his academic and business networks. Joost also has experience in marketing biodegradable plastic solutions. Joost worked and lived in Costa Rica where het got to know bamboo and fell in love with this magical plant.
Joost mainly focuses on sales development, R&D and non-dilutive capital.

João Ludovico
carbon management | ESG | impact
João is raised in the Alcoutim region in Portugal. He holds an MSC Plant Sciences and greenhouse horticulture and holds a minor in climate-smart argiculture for a sustainable food production. He studied at the University of Wageningen, the Netherlands.
João has a passion for sustainable development and technology innovation. He is responsible for carbon and field data and CO2-certificate applications for the bamboo farms throughout Europe. João also holds track of impact KPI’s and policies.